Archive for September 2014
May i have a question Mr. Javed Hashmi ?
May i have a question Mr. Javed Hashmi ?
by Hadeed Ahmed Sher
At last the Baghi (Javed Hashmi) resigned from the National Assembly (NA). Baghi who has spent almost his entire life in active politics has gone from the house of representatives. Before he resigned from the NA, the party adamant unopposed elected chairman Imran Khan openly told the media that we have parted our ways. The journey of Baghi can be best understood by reading his books that he wrote while he was in Jail. He wrote in detail about the atrocities Musharraf did to him in particular in to the PMLN workers in general. The story encompasses the brutal tortures on Bilal Yasin (now Minister of food, Punjab), Mushahidullah Khan (now senator), Saad Rafiq (now federal minister of Railways) and many other workers. Stories about the third degree torture on Rana Sanaullah (ex Law Minister) and Pervaiz Rasheed (Federal Minister of Information) have been reported by independent journalists. Besides, the dictatorial acts on PMLN workers, Javed Hahsmi does not forget to assert his support for Nawaz Sharif as his leader.

During the long march aka azadi march originally a fsadi March, Javed Hashmi shown his concern on various issues and finally decided to leave the event and ripped apart the whole plot of PTI to derail the democratic process. After the presser, he came to the parliament and spoke his heart will full commitment, and volume. He said and i am quoting
میں یہاں پر اپنی ذاتی رنجشیں کہنے نہیں آیا .مگر وزیر اعظم یہ بتائیں کہ کیوں چودہ مہینے تک وہ سینیٹ میں نہیں اے
He further stated that the parliament has failed to address the problems of people of Pakistan. Spending more than 25 years in Multan, i have personal experience how the representatives of south Punjab including Javed Hashmi deal with their own people. So like JH said, i also want to say that i am not writing this blog post for my personal vendetta or a personified grudge but i want to ask Javed Hashmi sb. why despite you being federal Minister of Health and Ishaq Khan Khakwani (now in PTI) being provincial minister of health during 1997-1999 failed to build any new hospital in any area of south Punjab. People want to know that how many schools, universities, hospitals, safe drinking water schemes, mega projects, employment opportunities have been given to the people of Pakistan under your 40 years of politics. I am not blaming only you Mr. Javed Hashmi but all those Gillanies, Qureshis, Tareens, Khakwani, Bosan and Daha's are the accomplice and reasons of why assemblies fail to address the problems of people of Pakistan. Politics against dictators is a service to nation, but this nation want to know why our representatives does not take care of their own people even when they have the portfolios of the concerned ministries. That's my question and i hope that someday you will unveil the answer of this question.
Follow @hadeedsher
*Editorial Note: If anyone wants to write rebuttal of this blog post. Our blog is there for you. Please write us at
#AmidstDemocracy | May i have a question Mr. Javed Hashmi ?
— Amidst Democracy (@amidstdemocracy) September 11, 2014
Thursday, September 11, 2014
An Open Letter to President of Pakistan
An Open Letter to President of Pakistan
The President,
Islamic Republic of Pakistan,
Dear Sir,
I hope that you are doing fine with your foreign tours amidst the national crisis. I am a citizen of Pakistan and supported your nomination by the ruling PMLN for the office of Presidency. I think that by nominating you for the top most designation of Pakistan, we can somehow equalize the foreign success stories of those who are elected from the lower ranks of our nation. The intentions of this open letter is to put my sentiments on record.
Mr. President , you know better than me that the office of the presidency is not a party office. The office of the President is a symbol of unity of federation. A federation that comprises four provinces, FATA, ICT and autonomous areas. You are the custodian of federation and it is your responsibility to play your role in ending this current crisis.
Mr. President, i being a citizen of Pakistan have a right to ask you why ? Why on earth Mr. President, your role was so passive in this whole drama. You as a symbol of united federation should have called Imran Khan, Tahir ul Qadri and the PM Mian Nawaz Sharif along with the opposition leader. You could have asked them to come to presidency or you could have gone to them in order to avoid the damage to federation. But your constant silence shocked thousands of democrats like me. People like me who vowed to have supremacy of Parliament and rule of Law.
Mr. President, the day you were elected as the President of Pakistan, you were no more a PMLN worker. You took an oath for the protection of federation, but sadly, history, which can't be undone, has marked your disinterested behavior in this whole episode. You never summoned the meeting of important stake holders because you still consider yourself a PMLN worker, who is still under the wight of gratification of the PM, who is also the president of ruling PMLN.
Mr. president the federation of Pakistan is your responsibility, we the citizens of Pakistan are your citizens. You owe us an answer on this don't disturb mode. You did not played your role and i being a citizen of Pakistan want to know, under the rights of information act, what halted you to raise your voice and act accordingly in this whole time of crisis.
I hope that your stay in this presidency will be pleasant, while the country's capital is still resonating with anti state activists.
Hadeed Ahmed Sher
*Editorial Note: If anyone wants to write rebuttal of this blog post. Our blog is there for you. Please write us at
#AmidstDemocracy | An Open Letter to President of Pakistan
— Amidst Democracy (@amidstdemocracy) September 2, 2014
Wednesday, September 3, 2014