Archive for 2013
ریاست اور ریاست کی رٹ !! بندا پوچھے
ریاست اور ریاست کی رٹ !! بندا پوچھے
تحریر : حدید شیر
حد ہو گئی یعنی کے .. ریاست کی رٹ ہونی چاہیے کی رٹ سن سن کر کان پک گۓ ہیں ..کیا پنجاب کیا بلوچستان کیا سندھ اور کیا نیا خیبر پختونخواہ ..
بندا پوچھے
جو حکومت رکشوں کے سلنسر میں ڈھولکی نہیں دلوا سکتی
جو حکومت ایک تانگے والے کو گھوڑے کی لد سڑکوں پر کروانے سے نہیں روک سکتی
جو حکومت ملک کے سب سے بڑے صوبے کی سب سے بڑی جامعہ میں بدمعاش طلبہ تنظیموں کے آگے جھک جاۓ
جو حکومت ایک سبزی والے کومن پسند نرخوں پہ فروخت سے نہیں روک سکتی
جو حکومت ریاستی افسروں کو دفتروں میں سگرٹ نوشی سے نہیں روک سکتی
جو حکومت ایک پرچون فروش کو ملاوٹ سے نہیں روک سکتی
جو حکومت پبلک ٹرانسپورٹ میں اونچی آواز سے بجتے موسیقی کے طوفان بدتمیزی کے آگے بند باندھنے سے قاصر ہو
جس حکومت کے ساڑھے تین لاکھ پولیس اہلکار چند سو پولیو ورکرز کی حفاظت نہیں کر سکتے
جس حکومت کا ڈاکٹروں کی ہڑتال کے آگے دم گھٹا ہو
جو حکومت اساتذہ کی سکول حاضری کو ممکن نہ بنا سکے
جو حکومت ایک سیاسی جماعت کی طرف سے تجارتی نقل و حمل میں رکاوٹ کو ٹھنڈے پیٹوں برداشت کرنے پر مجبور ہو
جو حکومت تیسرے درجے کے صحافیوں کی چادر اور چاردیواری کو پامال کرنے پر تماشا دیکھے
جو حکومت اپنی پولیس کی نجی جیلوں کو بند نہ کروا سکے
جو حکومت اسٹیج ڈراموں کے نام پر موجود گند کو صاف کرنے کی صلاحیت سے محروم ہو
جو حکومت مزدوروں کو پوری تنخواہ نہ دلوا سکے
جو حکومت یوریا کھاد کی بلیک میں فروخت نہ رکوا سکے
جو حکومت سڑکوں پر بیٹھے عاملوں کے نام سے لفظ پروفیسر نہ ختم کروا سکے
جو حکومت پچھلے سو دنوں سے ایک پانچ سالہ بچی سے زیادتی کے مجرم نہ پکڑ سکی
جس حکومت کے وزیر اعلی کو تھانے جانے سے ڈر لگتا ہو
جو حکومت یوریا کھاد کی بلیک میں فروخت نہ رکوا سکے
جو حکومت سڑکوں پر بیٹھے عاملوں کے نام سے لفظ پروفیسر نہ ختم کروا سکے
جو حکومت پچھلے سو دنوں سے ایک پانچ سالہ بچی سے زیادتی کے مجرم نہ پکڑ سکی
جس حکومت کے وزیر اعلی کو تھانے جانے سے ڈر لگتا ہو
اس حکومت سے ریاستی رٹ کی توقع ...
حد ہو گئی یعنی کے .. ریاست کی رٹ ہونی چاہیے کی رٹ سن سن کر کان پک گۓ ہیں ..کیا پنجاب کیا بلوچستان کیا سندھ اور کیا نیا خیبر پختونخواہ ..
بندا پوچھے
ریاست اور ریاست کی رٹ !! بندا پوچھے
Federation & Writ of Federation | Dare i say!
by @hadeedsher #AmidstDemocracy
— Amidst Democracy (@amidstdemocracy) December 29, 2013
Sunday, December 29, 2013
PNA movement 1977 and GE'13 "rigging" | Thinking outside the bun
PNA movement 1977 & GE'13 "rigging" | Thinking outside the bun
Written by Engr. Hadeed Sher
Ever since the general elections 2013 there is an ongoing mantra of rigging by some fellow countrymen who are following the due course of Pakistani politics where one either loses or the elections are rigged. These people, equipped with the social media tools, are frenzied over the loss of their favorite candidate. However, since for most of them this has been there first ever democratic experience therefore they deny the existence of basic right of democracy. The holiest of the holy "Every citizen has equal status". Thus the person living in slums has a value of vote that is equal to the vote of a person living in President house. The election rigging has now turned into a carol where a single party is trying to sample the election in 1000 constituencies of Pakistan through 4 selected constituencies of their own choice. This party calls itself Pakistan ehreek Insaaf (PTI), formally known as Tehreek Insaaf Pakistan (TIP), TIP however, is a well known term among the bellboys and bellhops, which is perhaps the reason of conversion from TIP to PTI. Anyhow, what lies within the rigging carol is interesting and most of those who have a soft corner for TIP or PTI believe that a movement similar to the PNA movement 1977, is perhaps the only solution to teach PMLN a "lesson". I am assure that most of them know about the PNA movement as shallow as the lead singer of rigging CAROL knows by himself. The purpose of this blog post is to find out what exactly was Pakistan National Alliance (PNA) movement 1977 and what precisely TIP or PTI claims, but first have a recap of the GE2013.
- Pakistan National Alliance (PNA) was an alliance of several parties who participated in GE'77. They alleged ZAB lead PPP for rigging in GE and decided not to be a part of Oath taking ceremony, PTI however took oath after GE'13.
- PNA members decided to launch a country wide protest against the rigging and it was so intense that it brought PPP on the dialog table, PTI also did that near ONE potato Two Potato for a week or two.
- As a result of PNA movement the PPP government agreed that re-elections are possible on 40 constituencies (Ref:"Aur line Kat gae" by Kosar Niazi). PMLN however being the winning party has denied any involvement in alleged rigging.
- While PNA was agitating against the rigging the country was under the control of PPP, the chief election commissioner was an appointee of ZAB and so as the interim setup in all the four provinces. Neither happened in GE'13. In Punjab a wave of transfer orders actually shuffled the whole setup of Shahbaz Sharif.
- PNA movement in 1977 was on road because the opposition parties were clear about rigging and they decided not to be a part of democratic setup. In 2013, PTI however is enjoying full protocol in KPK, they have opposition leader in PA and their MNAs are getting full TA and DA for each session.
- In 1977, PNA movement decided to boycott election polling in the daylight without the presence of strong media. In 2013 PTI took part in polling process till the end of the day and waited another 3 hours to compile the results, and then RIGGING word was first introduced to the nation.
My advice, history resists any alteration of facts. Try not to seduce the youth with such events that never existed in the pages of history. Try to focus on the province where you have the majority. The movement of PNA in 1977 was a significant parade of valor, where the people sacrificed for our today. That movement saw historical democratic struggle in Pakistan, neither on bullish Twitter nor on misleading Facebook. PNA was on ground not for hours, but for days and months, while in 2013 PTI in on twitter or near a burger shop. Lets decide to think outside the BUN.
*Editorial Note: If anyone wants to write rebuttal of this blog post. Our blog is there for you. Please write us at
#AmidstDemocracy | PNA movement 1971 & GE'13 "rigging" | Thinking outside the bun
— Amidst Democracy (@amidstdemocracy) December 20, 2013
Friday, December 20, 2013
ابہام یا خوف
ابہام یا خوف
تحریر :عامر نواز خان *
پاکستان کو اس وقت ریاستی چلینجز میں سے ایک سب سے بڑا چیلنج طالبان ہیں۔ اس میں کوئی شک نہیں پاکستان میں تمام طبقات اور ریاستی اداروں کو دہشت گردی کی جنگ میں بھاری جانی و مالی نقصان سے دوچار ہونا پڑا۔پچھلے دنوں حکیم اللہ کی موت (شہادت لکھنا یا اس پر بات کرنا ایک طویل اور لمبی بحث درکار ہے) پر پاکستان میں نظریاتی تفریق واضح طور پر نظر آئی جہاں شعبہ ہائے زندگی سے تعلق رکھنے والے کچھ افراد نے خوشی کا اظہار کیا جبکہ کچھ لوگ اس پر تزبزب کا شکار نظر آئے۔ ایسے موقع پر جب تمام سیاسی اور دینی جماعتوں کو زمہ دارانہ رویہ اختیار کرنا چاہیے تھا مولانا منور حسن اور مولانا فضل الرحمان کے بیانات نے گویا آگ لگا دی۔ میں نہ تو کوئی صحافی ہوں اور نہ ہی عالمی امور پر جامع دسترس رکھتا ہوں مگر ایک عام پاکستانی ہونے کے سامنے کچھ سوال آپ سب دوستوں کے سامنے رکھنا چاہوں گا۔
- اگر طالبان ہمارے اپنے بھائی ہیں تو پچھلے دس سال کے دوران پاکستانی افراد اور مسلح افواج پر حملے کیوں کیے؟
- اگر یہ مفروضہ بھی مان لیا جائے کہ طالبان یہود و ہنود کی سازش کا حصہ ہیں تو انہیں شہید کہنے کی ضرورت کیوں محسوس ہوئی۔
- اگر طالبان ہمارے اپنے لوگ ہیں تو انہوں نے پاکستان کے دستور سے ہمیشہ انکار کیوں کیا؟
- اگر طالبان ملک دشمن قوتوں کے ہاتھوں میں کھیل رہے ہیں تو ان سے مزاکرات کے لیے اتنی منتیں ترلے کس لیے کئے جا رہے ہیں؟
- حالیہ دنوں میجر جنرل نیازی کی شہادت پر تمام سیاسی جماعتوں نے چپ سادھے رکھی جب کہ حکیم اللہ کی موت پر ایک بھونچال آگیا کیوں؟
میں یقین سے نہیں کہہ سکتا کہ حکومت طالبان کے حوالے سے سنجیدہ ہے یا نہیں مگر ایک بات وقت کے ساتھ واضح ہو رہی ہے کہ تمام دینی جماعتیں اور جمہوری جماعتیں طالبان کے حوالے سے یا تو ابہام کا شکار ہیں یا خوف کے باعث ایک واضح موقف اپنانے سے گریز کر رہی ہیں۔ منور حسن نے حکیم اللہ کو شہید کہتے وقت ایک لمحے کا خیال نہیں کیا کہ یہ وہی تحریک طالبان ہے جنہوں نے قاضی حسین احمد کو کافر کہا اور ان پر خودکش حملے کیے؟ کیا مولانا فضل الرحمان اپنی جان کے خوف اور مقامی ہمدردی حاصل کرنے کے لیے طالبان کو گلے لگانے کو مضطرب ہیں؟ یار رکھیں یہ پاکستان کی بقا کی جنگ ہے اور اگر خدانخواستہ پاکستان نہ رہا تو شاید نظریات کی یہ دکانیں کسی اناتھ آشرم کی نظر ہو جائیں۔ یہی وقت ہے جب ریاست کے تمام ادارے بالخصوص پاکستان آرمی اور موجودہ حکومت طالبان کے حوالے سے ایک واضح موقف اپنائیں۔ اگر یہ ہمارے اپنے لوگ ہیں تو انکی زندگی میں واپسی کے لیے ہر ممکن کوششیں کی جائے ورنہ آپ سمجھدار ہیں کہ یہ لوگ کبھی ہتھیار پھینک کر پھول نہیں اٹھایئں گے۔
*پہلے یہاں چھپا
Tariq Malik | An unsung hero or a political gimmick ?
Tariq Malik | An unsung hero or a political gimmick ?
Written by Hadeed Ahmed Sher
The very first reaction of the removal of Tariq Malik was amplified because of a government which is lacking an active Information Minister. The social media which always looks for catchy stories, at the drop of the hat, started bashing the PMLN government. The issue of Tariq Malik was the nation wide top trend on twitter, soon after the news erupted and all the PTI supporters joined the bandwagon to "curse" PMLN. The absence of information minister from the scene was similar to the Kargil crisis when after the meeting of PM Nawaz Sharif and US President Bill Clinton, the proprietors of dreams to capture Srinagar opened their mouth guns on Mian Nawaz Sharif. The issue of Tariq Malik, however, was portrayed like he was the one who was about to expose the "rigging" of GE'13, which otherwise were declared justified by neutral international observers. PTI who is constantly alleging its defeat in GE'13 as part of a "big game" cashed the situation and circulated that the chairman NADRA is an upright person and that he was not willing to surrender before the "unconstitutional pressure" of PMLN. They claimed that this person was going to unveil the "massive rigging" in Punjab, where PTI was literally knocked down despite the financial investments of Aleem Khan (EOBI scandal) and the Jahangir Tareen (The Sugar Mafia). Tariq Malik consulted the Islamabad High Court the very next day where he was reinstated by the court in the first hearing (Courts however never liked such rapid actions by the national assembly). As a counter measure the federal government filed a case in Supreme court of Pakistan, thus challenging the decision by the Islamabad High Court. Later on after the debates inside the National Assembly the minister In-charge of Interior Affairs Ch Nisar Ali Khan came to the house and presented the curious case of Tariq Malik. The speech of Ch Nisar had such information that the case of Tariq Malik turned out to be a real can of worms.
According to Ch Nisar Ali Khan, the Chairman NADRA Tariq Malik was appointed Chairman against the NADRA ordinance and was promoted first as a Deputy Chairman NADRA (A designation which do not exist in NADRA hierarchy). Perhaps PPP thought that if a Deputy PM can work unconstitutionally whats so wrong about a deputy Chairman NADRA. Anyhow, the main accusation by Ch Nisar was indeed shocking. He said that despite verbal and 2 written orders NADRA was the only department of Interior Ministry who was reluctant to the financial audit. According to Ch Nisar, he said in a meeting that if Tariq Malik will not provide space for the financial audits he will be sacked. He also revealed that Tariq Malik was appointed chairman NADRA after PM ordered to soften the rules and regulations of NADRA ordinance. Some news reports also inform us that Tariq Malik is a dual national which according to Shireen Mazari is a threat to National Security. Some news also circulated primarily in PMLN circles that Tariq Malik was in cahoots with Malik Riaz and allegedly issued multiple NIC to his employees for defeating PMLN in Rawalpindi.
The first lesson in this story is that never believe on the glitters of our media for false political mileage. The shallow work of our media once again exposed badly in this saga. After proving Tariq Malik the hero standing in between the "dictatorial PMLN" and Pakistan, the very next day media came to know that actually Tariq Malik was a political gimmick and was appointed to this sensitive post just because of his close relationships with the PPP mainstream leadership. Just in one day our so called "investigative" journalist portrayed their shallow depth of work. Therefore everything these "investigative" journalists say, we must take with a pinch of salt.
Tariq Malik | An unsung hero or a political gimmick ? by @hadeedsher
— Amidst Democracy (@amidstdemocracy) December 6, 2013
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Transition of Command Stick | Few words about the new CoAS
Transition of Command Stick
Written by Hadeed Sher
It was the time when i was in my undergraduate studies, i fell in love with books. Books about those who have sacrificed their lives for Pakistan and those who have changed the history of Pakistan. Surprisingly i found most of the books by the military rulers and leaders of Pakistan, most of which were self praising. However one of my friend recommended me books by Lt. Col. (r) Ishfaq Hussain, the GENTLEMEN series and then the most inspiring book i have ever read in my life "Fateh Saboona". This book was about the life of Maj. Shabbir Sharif Shaheed (NH, SJ). I read that book several times.
It was the time when i was in my undergraduate studies, i fell in love with books. Books about those who have sacrificed their lives for Pakistan and those who have changed the history of Pakistan. Surprisingly i found most of the books by the military rulers and leaders of Pakistan, most of which were self praising. However one of my friend recommended me books by Lt. Col. (r) Ishfaq Hussain, the GENTLEMEN series and then the most inspiring book i have ever read in my life "Fateh Saboona". This book was about the life of Maj. Shabbir Sharif Shaheed (NH, SJ). I read that book several times.
For the past few days the news about the appointment of new army chief were in the air. Several names were in the air and the anlysis was based on the seniority lists and their track record, however, being a keen observer of politics of PMLN i was somehow reluctant to agree with the results. My calculations were icnlined that Mian Nawaz Sharif will not appoint the senior most general. Firstly, it is not at all a constitutional criteria and secondly it is at his dicreation to whom he will appoint the new army chief. I was thinking of Gen Raheel Sharif as the new CoAS because his entire family has been in army since partition but never had any political ambitions. In a country where military has ruled and over thrown the democratic governments time and again, this is a great consideration.
Raheel Sharif i think will be the next chief !!
— Hadeed Sher (@HadeedSher) November 26, 2013
My tweet one day prior to the appointment of our new CoAS was based entirely on this single point. Then i tried to find some information about Gen Raheel Sharif on internet but was not able to find what i was looking for. Ultimately i got some information about the new CoAS from the book "Fateh Saboona".
![Embedded image permalink](
The most important thing about the appointment of Gen Raheel Sharif as CoAS is the strengthening of the fragile democratic process in Pakistan. The Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif as he always do did not disclosed the name of the new CoAS to anyone. He however, listened to his close aides and thoroughly read about the reports sent by the Defense Ministry. The PM having the discretionary powers to appoint the new CoAS used it effectively to appoint Gen Raheel Sharif (Third in seniority list) as the new CoAS. The transition of command stick from Gen Ashfaq Pervaiz Kiani to Gen Raheel Sharif is a beginning of a new era and will certainly improve the civil military relationships as well as to esteem the respect of democracy in Pakistan.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
بدلتا ہے رنگ آسماں کیسے کیسے!!!
بدلتا ہے رنگ آسماں کیسے کیسے!!!
پارلیمنٹ ہاوس اسلام آباد میں بیک وقت سینٹ کے دو اجلاس۔۔۔۔۔ ایک مقام، دو
اجلاس اور تین دن ۔۔۔۔ مقام بھی وہی، لوگ بھی وہی، موقف بھی وہی، ان تین دنوں میں
کچھ نہیں بدلا۔۔۔ بدلے تو دن کے اوقات اور
موسم کے تیور ۔۔۔ ایک اجلاس شروع ہوا پارلیمنٹ ہاوس میں اوردوسرا ایوان کے باہر سیکیورٹی کے حصار میں سبزہ زارپر شامیانے لگائے،دریاں بچھائے منقعد
کیا گیا۔۔۔ وزیرداخلہ چوہدری نثار علی خان کی طرف سے سینیٹ میں پیش کیے گئے اعداد
و شمار کو ان جماعتوں کا نہ تسلیم کرنا تو سمجھ میں آیا مگر وزیر داخلہ کی غلطی
تسلیم کرنے کی صدا تو گویا کسی کے کان میں ہی نہ پڑی، کھبی کھبی تو ایسا گماں ہوا
کے جیسے کوئی ضدی بچہ کسی بڑے سے ناراض ہونے کے بہانے تلاش رہا ہو یا توجہ کا مرکز
بننا چاہتا ہو۔ اتحادی جماعتوں کی جانب سے ایک طرف تو یہ کہا جاتا رہا کہ وزیر داخلہ معافی بھی نہ مانگیں بس اعداد شمار
کو غلط کہہ کر انہیں تبدیل کرائیں اور دوسری جانب وہ وزیر داخلہ کے "احتساب
کے لئے تیار ہوں" کے بیان کو سننے سے قاصر نظر آئے،حکومت کی کئی بار منانے کی
کوششیں بھی اپوزیشن جماعتوں کو نہ منا
سکیں۔ دو دن سے جاری یہ علامتی اجلاس ہر گزرتے لمحے ایک آزمائش اور مشن ایمپاسبل کی شکل اختیار کرنے
لگا، مصالحتی کمیٹی ہو یا حکومت کی جانب سے بھیجا جانے والا کوئی بھی رکن ،اپوزیشن
کو نہیں ماننا تھا نہ ہی مانے، تین دن پارلیمنٹ ہاوس میں جو ہوا ، نہ پہلے کسی نے دیکھا ،نہ ہی سنا۔۔۔۔۔ایک ایسی بات کو جواز بنا کر بحث کی
جاتی رہی جو شاہد اس حد تک کھبی بھی ناراضگی
کی وجہ نہ تھی۔
غلطی ہوئی،،،تسلیم بھی کر لی گئی اور اسے تبدیل کرانے کا بھی کہہ دیا
گیا۔۔۔۔۔۔یعنی مسئلہ حل،،،،،
نہیں سمجھ آئی تو بڑے ایوانوں میں
بیٹھے ان چھوٹے دل والوں کی یہ حرکت جو
کسی طور کسی باشعور کے لئے قابل قبول نہیں،سب کی زبان پر ایک سوال یہ کیا ہو رہا
ہے؟کیوں ہو رہا ہے،اب اسکا حل کیا ہو۔۔۔۔
خدا خدا کر کے تیسرے دن حکومتی کوششیں کارگر ثابت ہوئیں اور وزیر اعظم کے نوٹس
پر اپوزیشن جماعتوں کی جانب سے علامتی اجلاس ختم کر دیا گیا۔سوال یہ پیدا ہوتا ہے
کہ پہلے دو دن حکومت کی یہی کوششیش بے ثمر کیوں ہوتی رہیں، پہلے دو روز بھی تو وہی حکومت
منانے آتی رہی جو تیسرے دن آئی ،پہلے بھی تو حکومت کی جانب سے دوروز یہی کہا جاتا رہا جو تیسرے دن کہا گیا، پہلے دو
دن بھی چوہدری نثار کے وہی بیاں تھے جو تیسرے دن رہے پھر یہ سب سمجھنے میں اتنی
دیر کیوں کی گئی، کیا اس ملک کے قائدیں کے پاس اتنا وقت ہے کہ وہ اپنی قوت لا حاصل کاموں پر صرف کریں ؟ کیا اس
پاکستان کے تمام مسائل حل ہو گئے ہیں جو وقت گزاری اور توجہ کا مرکز بننے کے لئے یہ حربے استعمال
کئے جائیں؟ حکومتی کوششیں ہو یا اتحادی جماعتوں کی جانب سے بچکانہ ناراضگی مگر یہ
تو طے ہوا کہ پاکستان کی تاریخ میں ایسا
کھبی نہیں ہوا جب ایک ہی دن سینٹ کے دو اجلاس منعقد کئے گئے ہوں، کچھ ہوا
ہو یا نہ ہوا ہو مگر اتحادی جماعتیں اپنے دو مقاصد میں ضرور کامیاب ہوئی، سینٹ کے
دو اجلاس منعقد کر کے ریکارڈ بھی قائم کر لیا اور دنیا کی توجہ بھی حاصل کر لی۔
* Ayesha Rehman works at GEO TV as Associate Assignment Desk Editor
بدلتا ہے رنگ آسماں کیسے کیسے!!! | A column by @AyeshaRehman000 !!
— Amidst Democracy (@amidstdemocracy) November 9, 2013
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Codifying the ethics of this bizarre media | Who will bell the cat ?
Codifying the ethics of this bizarre media | Who will bell the cat ?
By Engr. Hadeed SherConsider a scenario where there are two enemies who are at war against each other. Enemy A has a well equipped force but is at the losing end while enemy B has the upper hand without having a well established chain of command. Enemy B, however, has an edge that all the tactical details of enemy A are leaked through its own media that helps enemy B to prepare accordingly.
Now, look at this scenario in perspective with Pakistan's war against terrorism. Imagine what TALIBAN and Pakistan are up to. Pakistan, the first Nuclear power of the "Islamic world" and the country that has the sixth largest army in the world, is paralyzed in the war against some roughly 15000 TALIBANS. Perhaps one of the reasons is the irresponsible behavior of our national media . As discussed earlier in my blog that Pakistani media managers are so insane that they are knowingly/unknowingly helping the terrorists. This blog post, although a sequel of the earlier blog on terrorism, but here we unveil some other negative dimensions of Pakistani media that show how amateurish and childish is their behavior when it comes to terrorism and the topics of general interest.
In the previous blog it was also stated that spreading sensitive information comes under STUPIDITY , if someone think it is an investigation journalism. Informing the terrorists about the security measures of high profile personalities, telling the world like "Hay did you know you need jamming devices to dismiss the functionality of wireless system" or love letter to the terrorists with the text "You have to be prepared to cross the Trunches in Sukkar and Hyderabad Jails" ? If anyone wants to attack on Karachi Jail make it sure the process of 6 feet wide concrete block is about to be finished. Come on you crackpots, you single minded bunch of idiots. What the hell is wrong with you ? Can't you survive without sabotaging the security plans of a fractured law enforcement agency of Pakistan ? Is it that necessary !! The rat race for ratings and spreading the thrill for their own monitory benefits is indeed regretful.
سندھ ہائیکورٹ کےجج کیلیے3بم پروف گاڑیوں کی سمری منظور،چیف سیکریٹری سندھ— Geo News Urdu (@geonews_urdu) August 13, 2013
سینٹرل جیل کراچی کی دیواروں کیلیے6فٹ کنکریٹ بلاک بنارہےہیں،سیکریٹری ورکس— Geo News Urdu (@geonews_urdu) August 13, 2013
سکھراورحیدرآبادجیلوں کی سیکیورٹی کیلیےخندقیں کھودی جارہی ہیں،سیکریٹری ورکس— Geo News Urdu (@geonews_urdu) August 13, 2013
سندھ ہائیکورٹ کےتمام جج کی گاڑیوں میں وائرلیس سسٹم لگ رہاہے،چیف سیکریٹری— Geo News Urdu (@geonews_urdu) August 13, 2013
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Daily Inqalaab |
The SIKANDAR saga in Islamabad unfolded the new scarface of our media when it was proved that how our media can play with a dangerous situation. The lunatic Sikandar was posed as a person who hostage the whole Pakistan with his wife and 2 kids. According to the report published on this blog, media was mad breaking news about Sikandar including the information of his peeing besides the road. Later on when the issue was dropscened the media rushed to hospitals and telecasted this bawdy news (screen print given below).
The prominent TV anchor Nasim Zahra tweeted about the amateurish behavior of media in her tweet, however her responsibility being the director current affairs DUNYA TV was limited to twitter only. Neither she stopped DUNYA TV from playing this dirty game nor she resigned from Dunya TV on this irresponsible attitude. It is twitter where all the responsibilities are accomplished.
As I stated earlier that this media is actually a non stop nonsense bullshit in our society. Here the level of stupidity and the level of non seriousness increases with the increase in popularity. The newscasters and the producer feels no shame in making an ordinary person's issue a BREAKING NEWS. See this below mentioned appalling tweet that was also telecast across the globe via the Geo news network as a BREAKING NEWS, rather BARKING NEWS to be more precise.All channels must immediately STOP coverage of this crazy situation @DunyaNetworkPK @CapitalTV_News @geonews_urdu @ExpressNewsPK @SAMATV— Nasim Zehra (@NasimZehra) August 15, 2013
گوجرانوالہ:محلہ جگنہ میں شیخوپورہ سے آئی بارات دلہن لیے بغیر واپس— Geo News Urdu (@geonews_urdu) August 30, 2013
گوجرانوالہ:ضِدی دلہا دلہن کو ساتھ لیجانے کے لیے سسرال میں ہی رُک گیا— Geo News Urdu (@geonews_urdu) August 30, 2013
The news channels fell so proud in spreading wrong information. Consider this information in which a pre typed text was posted even before the ball was thrown, later it was revealed that the batsmen failed to get a boundary. The same TV channel shamelessly without apologizing tweeted the normal news.........میں نےسلامی دی تونوٹ تھامتےہوئےدلہاکےہاتھ کانپ گئے،دلہن کی ماں کابیان— Geo News Urdu (@geonews_urdu) August 30, 2013
احمد شہزادنے پاکستان کی جانب سے پہلی ٹی 20 سینچری اسکور کردی
— Geo News Urdu (@geonews_urdu) August 24, 2013
ہرارے:دوسرا ٹی 20؛احمد شہزاد ٹی 20کی پہلی سینچری اسکور نہ کرسکے— Geo News Urdu (@geonews_urdu) August 24, 2013
Codifying the ethics of this bizarre media | Who will bell the cat ? via @sharethis
— Hadeed Sher (@HadeedSher) September 27, 2013
Friday, September 27, 2013
Stronger Institutions for Better Pakistan
Stronger Institutions for a Better Pakistan
Written by Hadeed Sher
General elections are over and now the political system has entered in a steady state condition. It's high time that we all demand our representatives for the development of strong institutions. It is a long established fact that since the creation of Pakistan only army has proved to be a strong institution. Their strength due to their institutional structure urged them in the past to coerce the majority through dictatorships and Marshal laws. The absence of any strong political force in general and the lack of institutional discipline in particular yielded to the corrupt bureaucracy and a fragile democratic structure in Pakistan.
The failure in establishing institutes is evident from the fact that departments with a very tough bottleneck now have countless top notch officers enjoying just perks and privileges. How come it is possible that a gas worth 1 billion PKR is being stolen in an area without acknowledging the local staff members. The lack of any disciplinary action actually permits such events. It is indeed good that the authorities took action but why they failed to locate it earlier. Isn't it because it is a department not an institution ?
The activism of the executives of the provincial government is also a proof in this regard. The heinous crimes are neither reported nor the culprits are arrested before the CM arrives at the spot. The theft of electricity and gas is not possible without the help of ground metering departments. The same is true for those involved in land grabbing of Railway and other government properties. The collapse of proper institutional mechanism is actually sinking the state of Pakistan. Now is the high time that instead of hunting for fancy headlines and a lush looking photographs of social media pages, our politicians actually go for building stronger institutions, because institutions last people die.
PTI White Paper And By Elections 2013: Stakes Are High
PTI White Paper And By Elections 2013: Stakes Are High
Written by Dr. Faisal Ranjha
Imran Khan PTI flanked by his party stalwarts presented a White Paper on rigging in GE 2013, the Elections which were endorsed by many International and Local Independent observers, with complaints of rigging at select Polling Booth's ( Few Hundreds ). Lets appreciate the effort of PTI that they want this electoral process transparent and free of Executive Power, Imran Khan was very candid, he categorically accepted the results of GE 2013 but at the same time showed apprehensions at the reports of alleged rigging, he clearly stated that they want this system to move on but at the same time demanding his grievances regarding alleged rigging must be addressed.
Imran raised few Questions in his Press Conference, while unveiling his White Paper. 1) While all the Tsunami Wave was riding with PTI, how on earth PMLN got so many votes in the GE. The answer to this Question is very simple, PMLN got close to 7 million votes in GE 2007-08, while Q League ( Muslim League Vote ) got millions of vote as well ( infect more than PMLN ), which as soon as Dictator Mushraf Umbrella was removed, automatically switched to PML plus Shehbaz Sharif played pivotal role in organizing PMLN at grass root level, taking all the influential of the area and PMLQ members on his side, creating a huge Bradari vote bank. Secondly Shehbaz Sharif hard work in Punjab created a new vote bank "Youth Factor" which also tilted to some extent to PMLN. Still I do feel the beneficiary of GE 2013 was "Imran Khan and PTI", taking 7.5 million votes starting from a zero while PMLN taking the Muslim League vote of 14.5 million. 2) Imran Khan PTI raised the second Question, Jehangir Tareen was winning by 30k votes in the night, while the next day he was declared loser. Again the answer is very simple, PMLN candidate Omer Ayub in fact was declared winner by TV Channels (40k), but after two days when the final tally was compiled he lost the seat. Similarly another PMLN candidate from Rahim Yar Khan met the same fate. May be TV channels was rushing the results as well in a rat race of ratings while still 40-50% results from Polling Stations were awaited. 3) Imran Khan third Question was that he trusted the Election Commission of Pakistan that they be able to hold free and fair GE so he got relaxed. Again we all know Imran Khan declared many a times in his Public and Media appearances before GE that he prepared army of "Tabdeli Razakar" of hundred of thousands, will make sure there is no rigging on Polling day. Now Question arises whether there was an army of Hundred Of Thousands of Tabdeli Razakars or they never appeared on Election day ??. 4) Imran Fourth question is that Caretaker setups were preplanned and all the Election Staff was placed according to will and desire of Executives of Federal and Provinces. Now again the Question arises, if we stick and admit to this theory, then what about KPK, why Imran Khan was able to win big there ??. Secondly the "ROs", a Session Judge ( Meaning Head Of Judiciary in a District ), given by respected Chief Justices of Provinces, tasked by the Election Commission of Pakistan in different districts, what Executive had to do with this??. 5) Another point raised by Imran Khan that Mian Nawaz Sharif declared himself victorious at 10.30 PM, claiming a clear mandate while the counting was not over. All the major parties run Election Cells in their offices, collecting minute by minute details from different constituencies, compiling details of their winning and losing candidates. I give you an example of Gujranwala, where PMLN clean swept the GE, we knew the results of all the seats by 8 o'clock, except Pervaiz Ellahi Gujrat seat where there was a tight contest, if we were able to get results I am sure Nawaz Sharif would have been getting the feedback and results as well ??. 6) Finally Imran Claims of Media being biased and giving more coverage to other parties doesn't sound right as well because we all witnessed a barrage of Ads by all parties, Media remained impartial during GE 2013, few showing tilt to different parties that is acceptable and happens round the World.
Now let us discuss the by Elections happening today, why the stakes are so high, why everyone so desperate to win them. These are the largest ever By Elections held in the history of Pakistan, 41 seats NA ( National Assembly ) and PA ( Provincial Assembly ), across Pakistan covering almost all the major cities of Pakistan, Peshawar, Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Sargodha, Mianwali, Baluchistan Cities etc.
Imran Khan PTI has put some serious effort in these by Elections, holding rallies across the country, he is on a campaign trail. Many analysts are calling these By Elections a litmus test for many including PTI and PMLN, which gained popular vote bank in GE 2013. Imran Khan PTI, I guess wants to prove a point that his Tsunami Mantra still exists and his claims of alleged rigging are not just mere allegations, he remained politically alienated after the unfortunate accident leading to his back Injury. PMLN on the other hand, bringing in the Young Hamza Shebaz to run their by Election campaign as Shebaz Sharif seems very busy in floods, which devastated Punjab and KPK, displacing hundred of thousands, killing close to 150 people, destroying crops, animals reminding us the devastation of 2010-11 Floods.
Imran Khan PTI is perhaps missing the trick once again, pitching himself against Hamza Shebaz, raising the tempo to such an extent may prove a very grave mistake. Even if PTI wins few seats and PMLN loses few, they can always come up with the excuse that neither of their Big Guns participated in By Election campaign, while if PTI fails to secure their seats after this hectic effort of Imran, it will be a big blow to PTI, while PMLN will take credit of winning the by Elections without their leadership running the campaign, Secondly it will be a blow to Imran claims of rigging in GE 2013.
The odds of PTI claiming victory are very thin, historically by Elections are won by parties ruling in the provinces or Party ruling the center. PPP and PMLQ lost the majority of their seats to PMLN in "PUNJAB" by Elections held after fake degree saga post 2007-08 GE. While PPP and allies were able to retain all the seats in their ruling Provinces. Secondly turn during By Elections remain very thin, again favoring the ruling parties in the Provinces. PMLN running its campaign very smartly once again, Hamza Shebaz taking all the credit of reduced Load Shedding in different parts of the country, country wide strike down on Gas and Electricity theft carried out by PMLN led Federal Government. While Imran on the other hand focusing on corruption, corrupt practices of Parliamentarians, reforms he introduced in KPK and a pledge to make a difference in KPK Governance model soon.
The odds of PTI claiming victory are very thin, historically by Elections are won by parties ruling in the provinces or Party ruling the center. PPP and PMLQ lost the majority of their seats to PMLN in "PUNJAB" by Elections held after fake degree saga post 2007-08 GE. While PPP and allies were able to retain all the seats in their ruling Provinces. Secondly turn during By Elections remain very thin, again favoring the ruling parties in the Provinces. PMLN running its campaign very smartly once again, Hamza Shebaz taking all the credit of reduced Load Shedding in different parts of the country, country wide strike down on Gas and Electricity theft carried out by PMLN led Federal Government. While Imran on the other hand focusing on corruption, corrupt practices of Parliamentarians, reforms he introduced in KPK and a pledge to make a difference in KPK Governance model soon.
Election Commission of Pakistan very smartly once again asked "Fafen" to observe the by Election as Independent Observers, secondly taking some stringent measures to make these by Elections very transparent and free, first time in history of Pakistan, the Army will be deployed inside the Polling Booth's on select Polling stations. It was necessary as well after Imran's Press Conference yesterday, criticizing the ECP role in GE 2013, their inability to conduct free and fair Polls.
The stakes are very high in these By Elections, as PMLN taking all the credit of reduced Load Shedding, historic highs in Stock Markets, Crack Down on corruption in the Energy Sector, increasing FDI in July but at the same time struck by a wave of terrorism, their policy of curbing terrorism and talks with TTP going no where. While Imran Khan under immense pressure to deliver a promised change in 90 days on the corruption front, terrorism, reforms in health and education etc. While he was ruling the most difficult Province, his claims of alleged rigging needs some proof as well.
#AmidstDemocracy | PTI White Paper And By Elections 2013: Stakes Are High
— Amidst Democracy (@amidstdemocracy) August 22, 2013